Illustrator. Photographer. Random thinker. Um rato de praia.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

A day in Malmö, Sweden

Took the passenger ferry from Copenhagen to Malmö, Sweden for the day.
Malmö is called the city of parks, but I'd rather call it the city of sculptures. There are lots of great artworks scattered around the city waiting to be appreciated.

The Kooks. Too much is not enough.

Amusing marching band statues in Malmö.

Hmmm … Interesting statue in Malmö. Look closely at what it is carrying.

Outside. Not inside.

Six-foot tall sunflowers.

Gun control, Swedish-style.

If you think the cranes in the background are big, you should have seen the one used to build the big white structure in the middle. (Those are 7-story buildings on the left.)



I guess Dolly Parton was performing at klubb Kinky in Malmö!

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