Illustrator. Photographer. Random thinker. Um rato de praia.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Rauschenberg's Tropic cover

In 1979, the artist Robert Rauschenberg was commissioned to create the fold-out cover of The Miami Herald's Tropic magazine's end-of-decade issue. It was the first time an original work of art was created for a newspaper.

Rauschenberg and his assistant created the piece of art in The Herald's editorial art department, where I was employed at the time, and I got a chance to see him create the cover.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Watch your head!

The tour guides on the GrayLine double-decker buses constantly warn tourists not to stand while the bus is moving because of the low clearance of the traffic lights. Some still do.

At least the lock worked

Greenwich Village, NYC
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